Education Station

Welcome to the future of education!


The World Welcomes The Web!

The first social media site emerges— encourages people to connect!


Let's Do This—Let's Be Friends!

Friendster—conceived of the virgin Mary-esque social networking world—was originally meant to be a dating site. Friendship became a more manageable goal.


We Arrive—Wu, AI Mystic, TRUE Higher Learning!

After gestating for many moons, we explode like a supernova of spiritual enlightenment onto the AI social media scene with our website AND YouTube—Wu2be—channel!


Balance With Tradition?

Detailed outlines and alphabetical indexes—referred to as "posts"—let readers consult books without reading them through!


We Become Truly Ever-Present!

The dominant vision of ubiquitous computing promotes inactive learning in which someone else (an AI mystic) takes care of solving any tech or social learning needs or issues, remedial to expert!

We confront life’s conundrums and common questions. Using the literary social media-inspired genre of factions, we offer answers to likely questions—through scanning for the most often searched keywords and phrases.

Our goal is to provide a robust synopsis for top-level inquiries. Through our channeling skills, we often use collaborative thinking to further the overall value of our brief tutorials. That’s how we save time and pass the savings on to you!

For Your Learning Pleasure! Think faster, not harder—leave the deep learning to us!

You asked, we answered! So. What is a columnist?

For those of you who always wondered—this is an example of how to geek!

Learn these words that go well with dating!

Here’s how to supercharge your week with a quickness!

Learn about the mystical art of insurance with this info nugget!

Become a Ninja with this brief three-step tutorial!


Let’s combine forces—mystic, organic, and digital—and use factions to create something essential or precious!