In this case, we propose that the device, the training medium, is superior to the user. We know, that’s a given. What we suggest is that the teaching methods be adapted to fit the formal structure presented by the device. If the device and the student, for that matter, is suited to shorter timespans of engagement, cut classes down to 1- to 3-minute bursts. And—

For in-class or video chat classes—
1. Try giving the students less attention.
2. Interrupt them unapologetically.
3. Shout (not necessarily at them, but definitely on the topic).
4. Try less eye contact. Always look down—even if you are not holding a handheld device, pretend like you are for that air of mystery. Make them wonder, “What’s she/he/they looking at?” (Never underestimate the power of FOMO).

The point is that digital devices, digital mediums, may be suitable for a rather narrow style of learning and teaching.

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