In the new digital world, the material and wired realms often collide. You and your digital twin (or vise versa) have to be synced at all times. But how can that be achieved in the most efficient and fool-proof way? Code!
Use communication shortcodes of all sorts—visual, audio, and textual—do not discriminate, we’re all friends here! As the saying goes, it takes all kinds! So, use all the types of communication to design multidimensional code between not just you and your material or digital twin, but between you two and your viewers!
How can you possibly coordinate and please everybody?
Easy—use modular factions! Use our patented linguistic and literary factions spintax system of remixing fact-based material found online from free, mostly public domain material. Use sourced spintax and just add your imagination—whatever tales and web-weaving you chose! Use factions, and you will see a 90% increase in viewer engagement through shares and comments—all positive!
Never underestimate the power of spinning, shiny things. Spintax relies on all forms of motion—promotion, emotion, commotion—but obviously spinning is the most valuable!
Spinning as an action is all fine and well, but the secret added value—the code— comes from color! Yes, the color code is the perfect tandem to the linguistic code. Don’t forget to add the secret sauce that also typically comes in the form of a circle—the color wheel!
And then there was sound, and we heard that it was good! The sonic experience is how we lift the spirits. Sampling is one of the core tenants of factions, taken from the long-established sonic art of hip hop. Don’t let your digital storytelling go unheard—always give your audience an addictive backbeat sourced from a known hit!
If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.